Thursday, December 10, 2009

Symantec launches on Amazon Web Services

This is an impressive announcement by two significant companies providing and protecting the future of Utility computing and IT as a platform.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) users can now use Symantec’s Endpoint Protection and Veritas Storage Foundation™ Basic to help protect and manage their instances running Microsoft Windows Server® on the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2).

Amazon Web Services (AWS) delivers a set of services that together form a reliable, scalable, and inexpensive computing platform 'in the cloud'. These pay-as-you-use cloud computing services include Amazon S3, Amazon EC2, Amazon SimpleDB, Amazon SQS, Amazon FPS, and others .

For Details - Click Here

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Social Networking and advertising - You can make money from this?

I was reading an older article about how "Some Indie Facebook Developers Pulling In Over $700,000 A Month" and it referenced the source as SocialMedia.

Clicking over to their website and reading about how they "turn standard ad units into social experiences that resonate with friends, influencers, and community members" is impressive.

The ability to target a consumer based on their likes, hobbies, associates and multitudes of other miscellaneous facts that they may publish about themselves begs the question "Are we creating our own experiences?"

If what we are surrounded with is created from our own visions of what we like how do we experience life beyond what we know we like?

An interesting conundrum.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Did Microsoft Just Kill the Cloud?

I've been reading all the news about the sidekick and it's lost data and how it's somehow "The Clouds Fault" Such nonsense. Reading through the article posted here by the folks at The Motley Fool points to more "Cloud FUD". Or is it the users fault? Blindly trusting their data to a dark and murky "Cloud"? Or is it the fault of the owner of the server that crashed? It depends. But it's NOT "The Clouds" fault. This vague notion that things we don't understand must be "in the cloud" is rampant these days. Yet, at the end of the day, it is really "A Utility" and needs to be thought of as such. The biggest difference between your power or water as a utility is that with "The Cloud" you have many providers to choose from depending on the type of "Power" or "Water" you need and the level of service you require.

Utility providers are fallible. How many times have you lost a power transformer in your neighborhood? Or a water main line burst somewhere in the city?

Cloud Computing/Utility Computing - It is up to the owner of the server to make the service they provide to their customer as Highly Available as possible or at least to the level of the Service Level Agreement (SLA) they present to their customers. It's not some magical "Cloud" floating somewhere beyond physical reach. It is physical servers and storage and switches and routers owned and operated my your third party of choice depending on the application you wish to use.

Don't blindly put your faith in any one provider without fully understanding your risks. It's NOT "The Clouds Fault". It is a persons fault for not designing and implementing a highly available architecture that included data replication and backup services with full recovery scenarios documented and properly tested.

How often do you test YOUR System and Data recovery process?


Friday, October 9, 2009

Friday, October 2, 2009

With RIO winning the bid for the 2016 Olympics

What does this mean to the South American economy? Between now and 2016, many things can happen. Yet, there will also be a new spot light placed on Rio in the coming years...

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Cloud Computing Tsunami Gartner Predictions

The Cloud Computing Tsunami Gartner Predictions
- Efficiency and Cost Control Will Transform the IT Industry.

It's amazing that it has taken this long for "Utility Computing" to gain the hold that it has. Who builds and operates their own generator so that the lights come on at the flick of a switch? I know of a few folks in the hills of Hawaii who still capture rain water in huge black plastic tubs and use gravity feeds plumbed into their homes for their water, but it's so much easier to pay a small monthly fee to my water district and turn on my tap when I want a glass of water and it is the way computing infrastructure will be made available to us. Turn it on when you need it at the flick of a switch.

Take a look at these key predictions and you may agree:
- Key Gartner predictions for the data center for the next 5 years:


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Amazon CloudFront High Performance Content Delivery Network

Amazon CloudFront delivers your web content to your audience by routing them to the closest Point of Presence (POP) - for details, click here =>>

View Amazon CloudFront in a larger map

Monday, June 29, 2009

Cloud Computing a Perfect Storm?

Cloud Computing Set to Unleash a Perfect Storm in Business
- “We are witnessing a seismic shift in information technology, the kind that comes around every decade or so, and it will have a huge impact on business, especially in today’s dire economy, says business strategy expert and former CIO, Peter Fingar.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Amazon Web Services Tool - S3Fox (Easily manage data in the Cloud)

Working with the S3Fox Organizer to manage my data in the Amazon Cloud is sweet. It is a very easy tool I use to manage my data between my local premise and cloud storage environments.

The S3Fox Organizer(S3Fox), offers the ability to upload or download files to and from Amazon S3. The interface, which opens in a Firefox browser tab, looks much like that of FTP clients with a dual-pane layout. It displays files on your PC on the left, files on Amazon S3 on the right, and status or information in a panel on the bottom.

Check it out here - "Click"

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Which States will recover first? Jobs ready to rebound?

From CNBC -

If you’re not prepared to go to Australia to ride out the recovery, great news! A new report shows the five U.S. states poised to lead the nation out of recession.

There was only one state that, as of the end of March, still had enough growth that it wasn’t technically in recession. Can you guess what it is? You betcha, it’s Alaska!

To ride this wave, you might want to get out your hiking boots and trail mix because most of the states where growth and jobs will recover fastest are out in the northwest: Colorado, Idaho, Oregon, Texas and Washington.

Its GOOD to live in the Northwest!

Cloud Computing Technology Providers and Contributors in 2008-2009

Cloud Computing Technology Providers and Contributors in 2008-2009 - The following companies are among the providers and contributors of Cloud Computing technology:

10Gen, 3Leaf, 3Tera, Absolute Performance, Accenture, Akamai,, Appirio, Appistry, Areti Internet, Boomi,, Canaan Partners, Cloud9 Analytics, CloudWorks, CNI Systems, CohesiveFT, CSRware, DataDirect, Dell, DNAmail, eBay, Elastra, EMC, EngineYard, Enki Consulting, Enomaly, Excelian, Flexiscale, Fortress ITX, Forum, GigaSpaces, GoGrid, Google, HP, IBM, IBRIX, Joyent, JumpBox, Layered Technologies, Level 3 Communications, Linxter, LongJump, MDV, Microsoft, Moka5 (MokaFive), Mosso, NewServers, Nirvanix, Ocarina Networks, OpSource, Panorama Software, Peer1 Networks, Pervasive Software, Platform Computing, PLX Technology, Qlayer, Rackspace, RampRate, Red Hat, RightScale, rPath,, Saugatuck Technology, ServePath, Skills Matter, Skytap, SnapLogic, SOASTA, Sun Microsystems, Symphoniq, Symphony Services, Tap In Systems, Teneros, Terremark, Transitive Corporation, Univa UD, Verizon Business, Vertica, VMware, XCalibre,, ZOHO and Zuora.

AMAZING - The number of Virtualization Technology Providers and Contributors in 2008-2009

Virtualization Technology Providers and Contributors in 2008-2009: WOW...

The following companies are among the providers and contributors of Virtualization technology: 3PAR, Accellion, Acronis, Actional, Active Endpoints, ActiveGrid, activePDF, ActiveServers, ActiveState, Actuate, Adaptec, Agile Software, AGiLiENCE, Agilysys, Akorri, AlachiSoft, Alter Logic, Altor Networks, Altova, AMD, AMDAHL, Amentra, Amyuni, anacubis, Apani, APC, Appcelerator, AppSense, AppStream, Array Networks, Ascential, Astaro, Attune Systems, Autodesk, AutoVirt, Availl, Avanade, Azul Systems, Barracuda Networks, BEA Systems, B-hive, Black Duck Software, Blackbaud, Blade Network Technologies, Blue Coat, Blue Lane, BlueArc, BlueNote Networks, BluePheonix Solutions, BMC Software, Borland, Bristol Technology, Brix Networks, BroadVision, Brocade, Burton Group, Business Objects, CA, CalAmp, Cassatt, Cast Iron Systems, Catbird, Cayenne Technologies, Ceedo Technologies, Cenzic, Certeon, CiRBA, Cisco Systems, Cision, Citrix Systems, ClearApp, ClearCube Technology, CollabNet, Compass America, Composite Software, Compugen, Compuware, Configuresoft, Continuity Software, Coraid, Courion, Coyote Point Systems, Crescendo Networks, CSC, DataCore, DataSynapse, Dell, Desktone, Digipede Technologies, Double-Take Software, Ecora Software, EDS, eG Innovations, Egenera, Elastra Corporation, Electric Cloud, Embotics, EMC Corporation, Emulex, Endeavors Technology, Enigmatic Corporation, Enterprise Management Associates, Entuity, EqualLogic, Ericom Software, ESRI, EVault, eXludus Technologies, F5 Networks, FalconStor, FastScale Technology, Foedus, Force10 Networks, Fortisphere, Forum Systems, Fujitsu, GemStone Systems, Getronics, GlassHouse, Green Hills Software, Grid Dynamics, GridGain Systems, GT Software, Hitachi, HP, Hyper9, Hyperic, IBM, ICEsoft, IGEL Technology, Illumita, ILOG, IMEX Research, Information Builders, Ingres, InstallFree, Integrien, Intel, Intellium, International Computerware, iTKO LISA, JBoss, Juniper, KACE, Kidaro, LeftHand Networks, Leostream, Lifeboat Distribution, Liquid Computing Corporation, Liquid Technology, Lynux Works, Mainline, ManageIQ, Managed Methods, ManageSoft, Marathon Technologies, McAfee, Mellanox Technologies, Microsoft, Mid-Atlantic Computers, Mindbridge Software, Mindreef, MKS, MonoSphere, Motorola, MQSoftware, mySoftIT, NASTEL, Ncomputing, NEC, Neocleus, NeoPath Networks, Neoware, NetApp, Netegrity, Neterion, Netuitive, Neverfail, Nexaweb, NextAxiom, Nimbus, Nimsoft, Niyuta, NoMachine, Novell, ONStor, Opalis Software, Open Kernel Labs, OpenSpan, OPNET Technologies, Optaros, OpTier, Oracle, Pano Logic, Parallels, Parasoft, Perforce Software, PHD Technologies, Phoenix Technologies, Phurnace Software, Pillar Data Systems, PlateSpin/Novell, Progress Software, Prolifics, ProSync Technology, Provision Networks, QLogic, Quest Software, Racemi, Raritan, Raxco Software, Red Hat, Reflex Security, Resolution Enterprises, RingCube Technologies, Riverbed Technology, Rogue Wave Software, RSA Security, Sagnet Solutions, SanDisk Corporation, SAP, SAVVIS, ScaleMP, Scalent Systems, Seanodes, Secure Command, Secure Computing, Sentillion, Shavlik Technologies, ServInt Internet Services, Silpion IT Solutions, SIMtone, Skytap, Skyway Software, Software AG, Sonasoft, SourceGear, Splunk, StackSafe, SteelEye Technology, StillSecure, StoneFly, Stonesoft, Stoneware, StoreVault, StrikeIron, STT WebOS, Sun Microsystems, SunGard, Supermicro Computer, Surgient, SWsoft, Sybase, Symantec, Systar, TBD Networks, Tenfold, TheInfoPro, Thinstall, Third Brigade, TIBCO Software, Tidal Software, Tideway Systems, TOA Solutions, TRANGO Virtual Processors, Trend Micro, Tresys Technology, Trigence, Tripwire, Ulteo, Unisys, United Devices, VaST Systems, VDIworks, VeeAm Software, Verari Systems, Verio, VeriSign, Vicom Computer Services, VirtenSys, Virtera, Virtual Iron, VirtualLogix, Virtugo Software, Virtutech, VisionCore, Vizioncore, VKernel, VMLogix, vmSight, VMware, Vordel, vThere-Sentillion, Vyatta, WaveMaker, Web Age Solutions, WSO2, Wyse Technology, XDS, XenoCode, Xiotech, xkoto, Xsigo Systems, Zenith Optemedia, Zeus Technology.

Enterprise security is not keeping pace with cloud computing | 9 Jun 2009 |

Enterprise security is not keeping pace with cloud computing | 9 Jun 2009 |

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Amazon Web Services/Cloud - Systems Integrator Training

Systems Integrator Training - AWS is offering technical training for qualified systems integrators building solutions and practices on our cloud computing services. Trainings are conducted on a recurring monthly basis at several locations in the U.S. and Europe. To apply, please send an email to

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

International Virtualization Conf & Expo November 2-4, 2009 Santa Clara, CA

November 2-4, 2009 Santa Clara, CA

We are in the midst of a revolutionary change in how applications are sold, delivered, deployed and managed. Virtualization cuts across just about all of what you might find in the data center: clients, servers, applications, storage systems, data networks, and security can all be virtualized to one degree or another. And chief executives are discovering that virtualization has the potential to not only improve the balance sheet, but strengthen competitive advantage and put a shine on the corporate brand. Join us in Santa Clara, CA, at the 7th International Virtualization Conference & Expo and find out for yourself how the industry's leading practitioners are implementing their virtualization strategy.

4th International Cloud Computing Conference & Expo: Call for Papers | Open Source Magazine

Sounds like a good source - I'm going to look into attending and providing content - 4th International Cloud Computing Conference & Expo: Call for Papers | Open Source Magazine

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The Economics of Cloud Computing Part 1 | Virtualization Journal

The Economics of Cloud Computing – Part 1 | Virtualization Journal

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The Economics of Cloud Computing – Part 1

I'm studying a web site tonight that has exceptional content you should review if you are working with either Virtualization or Cloudonomics

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Netbooks are exploding (growth)

Netbooks are exploding and expected to continue to sell like gangbusters, and a new generation of wireless-carrier-sponsored devices should make this phenomenon even more obvious.

Citrix is providing Citrix C3 Lab Blueprints for Cloud Services Delivery

Citrix Expands Citrix C3 Cloud Computing Platform and Program

C3 Platform Now Enables Windows Applications and Desktops to be Delivered as a Cloud Service; New Service Provider Program Adds Pay-as-you-Go Pricing

Citrix C3 Lab Built on Amazon Web Services to Connect Cloud Computing to the Corporate Datacenter

Citrix C3 Lab Built on Amazon Web Services to Connect Cloud Computing to the Corporate Datacenter

New Virtual Lab Offers Easy Low-cost Way for IT to Model and Test the Delivery of Virtual Applications and Desktops from the Cloud

Amazon Elastic Computing Cloud (EC2) is the biggest and most mature Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) architecture existing on the market

Citrix Announces Citrix C3 Lab Built on Amazon Web Services to Connect Cloud Computing to the Corporate Datacenter

Richard Jones, VP of Data Center Strategies at Burton Group, said on his corporate blog:

"The announcement on May 6th at Synergy of Citrix-Amazon collaboration on internal/external cloud interoperability has “we’re moving to Citrix XenServer as our EC2 hypervisor infrastructure” written all over it."

Free Citrix XenServer includes XenCenter, XenMotion, Resource Pools and Storage Management

Citrix has officially announced it’s next version of XenServer will be free. Obviously a strategic move to bolster production deployment of the XenServer hypervisor, Citrix is also confident that today’s move will ultimately provide a low cost enterprise class virtual infrastructure alternative, improve hosted cloud services already using Xen Server (such as Amazon EC2), and enable cost effective private cloud infrastructure.

You can download a free trial version today at

New management and automation products, such as Citrix Essentials for XenServer and Hyper-V were also announced, are expected to generate revenue for the Citrix virtualization products.

Citrix is not holding back on the features available in the free release!!

Goldman raises price target on Amazon - Amazon favorite U.S. internet stock

Back in June of 2009, I posted this note.  WOW did they climb!!  I hope my friends that I suggested this to got in and made money too! BUT, now I believe you should sell.  I've dropped my position to less than 1% of my portfolio as of January 2011.
"Amazon is our favorite U.S. internet stock based on our positive view of its franchise, online-offline expansion strategy, share gains in a still-expanding e-commerce market, and downloadable content initiatives," Mitchell wrote.

Verizon Cloud Computing? Offers pay-as-you-go hosting service

NEW YORK, June 3 (Reuters) - Verizon Communications Inc (VZ.N) on Thursday unveiled a pay-as-you go hosting service for corporate customers looking to save money by buying only as much computing capacity as they need at any given time.

Verizon is the latest U.S. telecom to jump on the bandwagon of so-called "cloud computing" services after AT&T Inc (T.N) said last month that it would offer Web-based storage services for enterprises.

Gartner Research estimated earlier this year that global revenues from cloud computing and storage, or the use of the Web to access those services at remote data centers, will climb 31 percent to $3.4 billion this year.

The fledgling field is led by Internet pioneers Inc (AMZN.O), Google Inc (GOOG.O) and Inc (CRM.N), but more established technology companies like Verizon, AT&T, IBM (IBM.N) and Microsoft Corp (MSFT.O) are introducing new services this year in a bid to catch up before sales start to boom.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Tolly tests show Citrix XenServer 5 outperformed VMWare ESX

Citrix XenServer5: Optimized Performance for XenApp Compared to VMware ESX 3.5u3
Testing by Tolly shows that Citrix XenServer, which includes specific optimizations for XenApp, highlights the performance improvements that customers can obtain when choosing XenServer over a VMware Virtual Infrastructure in their XenApp Virtual Server farms. In these tests, Citrix XenServer 5 outperformed VMWare ESX 3.5u3 by supporting 41% more concurrent users.

Download Here Adobe® Acrobat® 880K

Click for Citrix XenServer White Papers

Watch the everRun VM 5.0 fault tolerant demo

Virtualizing SQL Server 2008 with XenServer

Excellent Blog posted on the Citrix Community Blog site about the performance of SQL Server 2008 virtualized on XenServer

Excerpt - In continuation of our virtualization performance tests with large enterprise application platforms running on XenServer, we recently completed an extensive series of performance and scalability tests with Microsoft SQL Server 2008 on XenServer 5. In the past, we successfully demonstrated the enormous server consolidation and management benefits of virtualizing Citrix XenApp 4.5 and 5.0 as well as Microsoft Exchange 2007 using XenServer. Test results for these can be found on the white paper section of XenServer/Essentials at

The results of tests for SQL Server 2008 on XenServer were equally as impressive.

Read the full post here

The results for all tests in the project along with a detailed description of the tools and methodologies can be found at:


XenServer - Server Virtualization - Citrix Community

XenServer - Server Virtualization - Citrix Community

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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The “Best of VMworld” Approach - Free White Paper

FREE White Paper - Protecting Virtual Machines: The “Best of VMworld” Approach

This is a must read white paper report for any business moving toward vertualization for streamlined IT operations. Download your report now to review virtualization best practices that you can use to:
  • Improve server utilization
  • Virtualize your environment for lower capital and operating expenses
  • Achieve a more flexible infrastructure that better supports business needs

Citrix FREE XenServer 5.0 and everRun Fault Tolerant Protection

Citrix XenServer™ is the only enterprise-class, cloud-proven virtualization platform that delivers the critical features of live migration and centralized multi-server management at no cost. XenServer is an open and powerful server virtualization solution that radically reduces datacenter costs by transforming static and complex datacenter environments into more dynamic, easy to manage IT service delivery centers.

By providing features like live migration, shared storage support, centralized multi-server management plus P2V and V2V conversion tools in the free version, XenServer enables any organization, no matter the size or budget, to immediately benefit from the power of server virtualization.

Citrix XenServer includes in it's free versions a Resilient Management Architecture. Unlike other management architectures, XenCenter distributes management data across servers in a resource pool to ensure there is no single point of management failure. If a management server should fail, any other server in the pool can take over the management role.

It is a quick installation to add Marathon Technologies everRun VM 5.0 to a XenServer 5.0 installation to create a Fault Tolerant Platform to host your virtualized Microsoft Server Applications on and includes selectable levels of protection without requiring Shared Storage.

You can even extend this Fault Tolerant Platfrom synchronously between two physical servers across distances of ~150 miles (10 ms latency and application latency is key to distance) using everRun SplitSite and/or establish Continuouse Protection and Disaster Recovery for local and remote sites with the everRun CDP/DR Solutions.

When you are ready, enhance the XenServer experience with advanced virtualization management by upgrading to (purchasing) Citrix Essentials for XenServer. This new solution helps customers transform virtualized datacenters into more dynamic delivery centers with capabilities like lab automation, dynamic provisioning, workflow orchestration and seamless integration with leading storage systems. Citrix Essentials for XenServer also provides High Availability for environments that have Shared Storage - You can Learn More about how this HA feature works here (XenServer can be easily configured with automated high-availability allowing virtual machines on a failed host to automatically restart on other physical servers in the resource pool according to priority and resource availability)

Learn more about the features you add with Essentials for XenServer editions here

Fault Tolerance by Marathon Technologies - XenServer is the only server virtualization offering that can easily be upgraded to offer fault-tolerant application availability resulting in zero-downtime failover capabilities for virtual machines.

Want to Learn More? Download the High Availability deep dive

Access the Fault Tolerance configuration reviews and demos here


SQL Server resource

Bare-metal performance for I/O intensive applications

Join the rapidly growing community of IT professionals who choose XenServer as their virtualization platform.
  • Enterprise-class features at no cost
  • Quickest deployment – Ten minutes to Xen!
  • Live migration with XenMotion makes planned downtime a thing of the past
  • Centralized multi-server management with the intuitive XenCenter console
  • Bare-metal performance even for I/O intensive applications

Install everRun Fault Tolerant Protection in as little as 5 minutes and start the wizard to protect your virtual machine!


Friday, May 15, 2009

XenServer performed best

Following the recent results of Hypervisor performance testing found here conducted by the teams at Virtualization Review presents the fact XenServer performed best over the largest range of categories in our tests, as you can see in Table 3 posted here

Add in the everRun Fault Tolerant capabilities to protect your applications and you have an exceptional platform for Server and Application consolidation that provides fast ROI and lower TCO.

I'm conducting POCs with SQL Server workloads running on XenServer with everRun protection and the results are impressive.


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Tech-ED 2009 winding down.

Lots of great info at the show this year. Much smaller attendance.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Optimizing Exchange High Availability—A New Approach

Our next webinar "Optimizing Exchange High Availability—A New Approach" has been scheduled for May 20th. We've leveraged the new Exchange blueprint materials for the presentation content. An HTML email invitation for your use will be available by Monday. The webinar is featured on the Marathon homepage and in this month's newsletter. It has also been added to the events section of the website.

The full description is below and here is the link to the registration page:

Optimizing Exchange High Availability—A New Approach
How tiered availability can help you achieve your SLA commitments with less resources and lower cost

Date: May 20, 2009 Time: 10:00 am PDT, 1:00 pm EDT, 5:00 pm GMT
Duration: 60 minutes
Speaker: Tom Reed, Senior Solutions Architect, Marathon Technologies

Effective Exchange high availability involves more than just protecting the mailbox server--you need to protect your entire Exchange environment. But over-protection can waste valuable system resources, while under-protection can result in costly downtime. A new approach that allows you to tailor the levels of availability by user groups and Exchange components is a much better way to get effective Exchange high availability.

Attend this webinar to learn:

  • What 3 metrics to use to match availability objectives with availability costs
  • How to assign levels of availability in your Exchange environment to achieve your SLA commitments most effectively
  • How to deploy tiered availability using Marathon's everRun software

Citrix Press Releases 2009

Latest News and Announcements from Citrix Systems.

- News & Events

NetApp and Citrix Server Virtualization

Server virtualization can bring tremendous efficiencies to your IT infrastructure and turn your data center into a flexible and scalable competitive weapon.

Tolly Group releases another Citrix vs. VMware comparison

Citrix resurrects King George as hypervisor

Citrix resurrects King George as hypervisor with "Midnight Ride" to follow toward the end of 2009 or early 2010

Implementing Citrix XenServer Enterprise 5.0 on HP Fiber Channel


BIG Hyper-V News Part I: Marathon everRun Support

From here: Microsoft and Marathon Technologies Expand Relationship to Provide Fault Tolerant Computing to More Businesses – this is great news!

Citrix Essentials for XenServer and Hyper-V

Advanced automation and management for the virtual datacenter

Citrix Essentials™ provides a set of management and automation capabilities to help customers transform datacenters into proactive and automated delivery centers. The Citrix Essentials platform builds on, and extends, the capabilities of either the free Citrix XenServer™ or Microsoft Hyper-V™ base virtualization platform.

Citrix XenServer – FREE + Options

Citrix XenServer

Enterprise-class.  Cloud-proven.  Free.

Citrix XenServer™ is the only enterprise-class, cloud-proven virtualization platform that delivers the critical features of live migration and centralized multi-server management at no cost.


Citrix Essentials

Advanced automation and management for the virtual datacenter

Citrix Essentials™ for XenServer and Hyper-V™ provides a set of management and automation capabilities that extends the capabilities of either the free Citrix XenServer or Microsoft Hyper-V to help customers transform datacenters into proactive and automated delivery centers.

New Citrix XenServer Release Makes Enterprise-Class, Cloud-Proven Virtualization Free for Everyone

Game Changing Move Goes Well Beyond Free Hypervisors to Accelerate the Adoption of World-Class Virtual Infrastructure for Both Enterprises and Cloud Providers


Take a look here:


Saturday, May 9, 2009

Citrix XenServer 5.5 available in June

Timothy Prickett Morgan has a post over at The Register to check out -

Citrix is into virtualization for the long haul, has a slightly profitable business despite the downturn and has $905m in cash to carefully position itself to take on VMware and, more importantly, use Microsoft's marketing muscle to help soften up its rival.

Also watch new videos:

And more news and info from Citrix Synergy 2009:

NEW info to study from The Citrix Blog at Citrix Community:

XenServer 5.5 ("Project George") beta release available

XenConvert v2 Tech Preview - OVF and VMDK Support for XenServer

StorageLink - Essentials for Hyper-V Deep Dive Webinar


Check it out...
