Aspera recently posted this great "Guide" to Software Asset Management (SAM). Every IT professional should read and incorporate SAM into their bag of skills. The more you know about SAM the better you can help guide your company through the years to come. Software, Cloud, and Hardware ALL require tracking and management. The more aware you are of how to incorporate SAM into your business the more efficient your company will operate, the more up to date your IT assets will be, and the more accurate your budgeting process will be! More is good!
What is Software Asset Management & How to Get Started:
Table of contents
- The Drivers of Software Asset Management
- 3 Key Areas to Succeed at SAM
- The SAM prime directive
- SAM Savings in Numbers
- Is Software Asset Management worth the time and effort?
- A million reasons why SAM gives you a competitive edge
- When spreadsheets are not enough
- 5 Reasons to do Software Asset Management
- How do I start Software Asset Management?