Thursday, July 12, 2018

Are you ready for Microsoft Inspire 2018?

It's going to be a BIG event this year!

The economy is on fire! DOW @ 24,925 NASDAQ @ 7,823 S&P @ 2,795
The Cloud is on fire! 2018 to total $186.4 billion
Microsoft is on fire! MSFT over 104 today!

Microsoft disclosed that co-selling efforts with partners generated $5 billion in partner sales to date, while the company has supplied partners with more than 1 million customer leads since Inspire last year.

That's some amazing news!!

Here is just a snip of what's coming next week!  Take a look over on CRN for added details and stay tuned as I dig into these announcements next week while attending Microsoft Inspire 2018.

10 Major Microsoft Announcements At Inspire 2018

1. Microsoft disclosed that co-selling efforts with partners have generated $5 billion in partner sales to date, while the company has supplied partners with more than 1 million customer leads since Inspire last year.

2. Microsoft is going to grow opportunities for partners by relying heavily on its marketplaces and making AppSource the "front door" for partners selling with the company...

3. Microsoft is expanding private offers in the Azure marketplace. With private offers, partners can confidentially share solutions with their customers that meet their unique buying needs...

4. Microsoft is now providing free access for partners to the Dynamics learning environment -- which offers a large collection of self-service technical and sales resources and Microsoft is announcing that fiscal 2019 incentives will allow partners to earn between 10 percent and 50 percent more on new customer acquisition for business apps. Microsoft also is doubling its incentive package for cloud usage and adoption of business app seats, which the company says will allow it to remain at or above competitor rates. In addition, Microsoft is bringing field co-selling incentives -- which were announced last year for Azure -- to Dynamics. Through the incentives, Microsoft salespeople will receive a 2X multiplier in terms of quota retirement when they co-sell with an ISV partner.

5. Advanced specializations being introduced by Microsoft in Modern Workplace (including services such as threat protection, information protection, GDPR, eDiscovery and identity and access management); Biz Apps (services including Dynamics 365 for Sales, Dynamics 365 for Customer Service and Dynamics 365 for Field Service); Apps and Infrastructure (services including SAP on Azure, Azure Stack, cloud migration, backup and disaster recovery, Linux on Azure, high-performance computing and networking); and Data and AI (services including machine learning, cognitive services, database migration, data warehouse, big data, database on Linux and IoT services).

6. Azure Expert Managed Service Provider program... Today, there are already more than 30 Azure Expert MSP partners...

7. New Apps And Technologies For Azure
 - Azure Data Box Disk
 - Azure Firewall, is a cloud-native network security service that protects Azure Virtual Network resources
 - Azure Virtual WAN

8. Microsoft 365 Updates
 - Launched in 2017, Microsoft 365 suite brings together Office 365, Windows 10, device management and security into a single comprehensive offering for businesses. At Inspire 2018, Microsoft is announcing that one application in the Office 365 suite, the Microsoft Teams collaboration app, is now available as a free version.
 - New Workplace Analytics feature that uses data from Office 365
 - Microsoft Teams users will also now be able to launch events on-demand, which will be viewable both in real-time and as recordings.

9. More Updates: Azure IoT, Power BI, Windows Server

10. New Partner Playbooks
 - adding a "Cloud Migration and Modernization" playbook along with a playbook entitled "Grow Your ISV Business with SaaS" in connection with Inspire 2018

Click on over to CRN for added details @